Monday, January 14, 2013

Time with the Lord

Like always, time spent with the Lord has been such a blessing.  It is so incredible how He blesses us when we do this simple thing.  I spent time reading about Abraham.  His story leaped off the page as if it were the first time I had heard it.  It impressed me that even after he strayed, he would go back and build an alter before the Lord. He would then be greatly blessed.  The Lord God impressed upon me that for us this alter before the Lord is built in our hearts.  Gentle tears flowed as I eagerly moved forward through the chapters of Genesis.  They were tears of joy, peace and understanding.  The Lord's love is so great.  Praise Him for how He speaks through His Word.   Other things I enjoyed is how very specific prayers were answered, how He allowed Abraham to push the issue regarding Sodom And Gomorrah, and the beautiful picture left by Abraham's obedience with Issac. Despite the failures of Abraham, his faith in the Lord was strong.  The beautiful scriptures gave way to a sweet prayer time before the Lord.  I am so humbled by God. I know He will be faithful and answer my prayers. There are many things that I would love to change and cannot. . .but I trust in the Lord!

The James study is also going well.  The battle of taking the good news to the gentiles was much harder than I had realized before. Between the Old Testament reading and doing this study about the time period when Christianity was born. . .I realize that the condition of our world today is not hopeless. God is able to win any battle and has in fact already won!!!!

Also, our sermons for the last two weeks have pressed upon me.  Particularly giving an understanding of the Armour of God that I had not had before.  We have talked about several of the parts so far but not all.  I am hoping to put together a post regarding the parts once the sermons are complete.  I believe that this will be greatly helpful to others if I can find the words to express it correctly. I also hope that these words are encouraging to you. If you are not experiencing a quiet time then I hope it will make you excited to.  It is so worth it.

Then Abraham drew near. . .Genesis 18:23

Lord, please help me to draw near to you.



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