Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Blanket Statements (or thoughts) and God

I think so often we try to put God in a box. To make Him simple.  But yet how can we think the God who created human life with the intricacies of the body out of dirt is simple?  The answer is that He is not.  I believe that is one reason that we can continually learn from Him. While here on earth there is nothing new under the sun, but Isaiah 55:9 says "As the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."  Whew that is a good thing and all this time I thought I knew it all! Not!

Not so long a go, I thought why is it people think they "get" God more when they have trials.  Maybe that means they didn't get Him before.  Because after all,  I know how to be humble (I am not always but I know how). Just being honest here and didn't that sound really humble?  After thinking this thought for a while, I even said something similar but more humble sounding out loud to someone! Yikes!

Well, I guess God decided it was time to teach me.  Slam. . .sick.  Now what.  Oh, I have had lots of pity parties.  Just finished another one.  Just saying.  But the truth is that I am seeing God different. I am seeing life different. I am seeing people different. I am seeing priorities different.  Now just to be fair with myself, there were other trials in which I just felt deeply betrayed and hurt. During that time I never felt closer to God. Oh my goodness, I think that was judging and anything but humility.  Something I have noticed about humility is that as soon as we realize we are humble then we are not.  Yep, that's right.  Because how can you be humble and be thinking oh I am so humble. That makes me so proud of myself.

Life is hard. Really hard. There are so many challenges, but remember that this is just temporary. God has so much more for those who believe and accept the free gift His son, Jesus Christ, has given. Fortunately, we don't have to come to him perfect for if we work on being humble to the Father then He will perfect us. Praise God! I definitely need lots of that.

My prayer for today is that I will seek to be truly humble.  Not only is this what God requires, it is where I find peace, love, comfort, etc. I want that so much.  Thank you God that my simple little mind can't begin to understand.  Please continue to teach me, oh Lord.


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